Tyler Riley – Class of ‘14

Tyler Riley, Class of 2014
College: University of Missouri – 2018
Degree: Bachelor of Journalism with focus in Strategic Communication/PR
Current Occupation: Mindset & Lifestyle Coach and Freelance Copywriter

Want to hear more details straight from the source? Click here to view Tyler’s short video!

Who or what at UA had the greatest impact on where you are today? Why?
The instructors at UA had the greatest impact on where I am today. Through their belief in me and their overall passion for their jobs, they never hesitated to help me feel like a valued student. I want to make a special shoutout to John Veal whose approach to teaching was so considerate and affirming. Due to my instructors, I felt like I could truly conquer the collegiate journey and any goals thereafter.

How have you utilized the education you received (or the skills you learned) at UA?
I’ve utilized the rigor of UA to improve my confidence when going for opportunities now. My experience at UA taught me to be resilient, to believe in myself, and to stop being so timid when going for what I deserve. I left UA feeling prepared for college and ready to claim success. Additionally, I had the privilege of doing Experiment in International Living (EIL) which gave me the experience of a lifetime and positively impacted my perspective on life altogether.

How is your experience at UA impacting you now?
My experience at UA is still impacting me currently because I still have many valued connections from there. This allows me to not only create more memories with people who are like family, but these connections also allow me to look back on how much I’ve evolved since UA. I picked up a level of hustle from my time at UA which continues to run through me as I pursue all of my endeavors today. I left UA feeling prepared for the next phase of my education and career, and the skills I’ve obtained from the school still guide me.

What if you chose to attend a school other than UA? Do you think you would be in the same place?
I honestly do not think I would be in the same place today if it weren’t for my experience at UA. Growing up in the UA family had been such a unique and intentional occurrence, and I know that to be true because of the level of faith I have in my path now. Graduating from UA really helped me to carve out who I want to be and what I want to contribute to this world.

How has UA Foundation (formerly Friends of UA) impacted you and/or where you are today?
The UA Foundation has played a major role in helping me maintain my connection to UA. I have been supported by the organization financially and emotionally as they continue to check in on how I’m doing overall. They also are genuinely interested in the goals I’m pursuing, and I couldn’t be more grateful for that support.

What are your goals for the future and who/what has shaped them?
I am building my own consulting/coaching business centered around mindfulness. Through my experience and exploration at UA, I began to discover who I am at my core which is also the origin of my business. The skills I obtained at UA are helping me turn my purpose into my passion. UA played a major role in my career path overall.

What are you doing to stay connected to UA and your fellow alums?
It’s hard to stay connected physically due to COVID-19 and the fact that I live in Dallas, TX, but I am connected via the newsletter, groups on social media, etc. I also check in on a few when I can.

What would you like to say to the donors who give to programs like study abroad, CIP, dual credit courses, etc.?
I can’t thank you enough for the support through my time at UA (and even following my time there.) It made a tremendous impact on my experience and really shaped my career path. I am thankful for all of the resources, trips and financial support as it all helped me focus and achieve. I hope you all are doing well, and I hope you know how appreciated you are.

Anything else you’d like to share to be included in the spotlight?
I am so passionate about helping those who struggle to see themselves live more fully. We only have one life, and our thoughts help build what that life experience looks/feels like. I want people to actually heal so they can enjoy things more, and I am fully equipped to guide them in that process. After doing this work on myself and seeing change, I figured I must tell the world about it. If you’re interested in courses or booking a session, check out my website: tythewordsmith.com. I’d be happy to chat about how to help you live your best life. 🙂