Alumni Success Programs

The mission of the Alumni Success Program is to connect UA alumni to the resources they need to complete college and build successful careers.

Hero Image Students smiling at College Send Off Event

Summer Bridge & College Send Off Events

Summer Bridge is an event hosted by UA Foundation to help with the reduction of summer melt among University Academy’s new graduates.


College Incentive Program (CIP)

All UA Alumni currently enrolled in college are eligible to receive one financial reward per semester for up to six years post-high school graduation.


Vocational Incentive Program (VIP)

UA Foundation recognizes the growing trend of students opting for non-traditional career paths and aims to reward them as we do college-bound students.

Care Packages

Care Packages

University Academy Foundation sends care packages to college alumni before finals each semester (October & March) for encouragement and support. Alumni can sign up for a package each semester they’re enrolled.

Campus Visits

Campus Visits

UA Foundation staff frequently visit UA alums at their college campuses to connect, share meals, offer campus resource information, and strengthen the alumni network. Watch for campus visit dates in your inbox!

Summer Internship Program

Summer Internship Program

University Academy Foundation’s summer internship program connects UA alumni currently enrolled in college with meaningful, PAID, summer internships. These summer internships are essential experiences for college students to achieve their career goals upon graduation.

Student Support and Resources

Student Support & Resources

Navigating the academic journey with confidence requires more than just knowledge–it’s about accessing tailored support systems and tapping into a wealth of resources to unlock every student’s full potential.

Student Emergency Fund

Student Emergency Fund

The UA Alumni Student Emergency Fund provides limited emergency financial support to UA alumni currently enrolled in college who are unable to meet essential expenses due to a temporary or unexpected hardship which jeopardizes their ability to continue their education.

Career Services

Career Services

UA Foundation provides personalized career coaching services for every UA alum, regardless of where they are in their education or career journey. We offer multiple opportunities for alumni to network, learn, explore, and hone their skills, which leads to career success.

Grad School Test Prep Assistance

Grad School Test Prep Assistance

Grad School Test/Test Prep Assistance is for UA alumni that have graduated with their bachelor’s degree and are needing assistance with paying for testing or test prep materials for graduate school.

Start Your Life Grant

Start Your Life Grant

The Start Your Life Grant is a new initiative for UA alumni that have graduated college or a trade program during the 2022-2023 school year and later. UA Foundation wants to help alumni that are transitioning from college to the workforce by providing a $250 grant.

Bush Charles Helzberg Study Abroad Scholarship

Bush Charles Helzberg believed, championed, and invested in study abroad programs. This scholarship serves to honor and expand Bush’s legacy by empowering UA alumni currently in college to study abroad.