UA Students & Families
We empower UA students and alumni to reach their academic and professional aspirations by providing extraordinary, life-long support.
Supplmental Programs
Short sentence explaining supplemental programs.
Literacy Initiatives
Reading is crucial to academic success and overall well-being. Because of this UAF funds a variety of literacy-focused initiatives for UA students.
Supplemental Programs
UAF provides a variety of educational programs and opportunities that support college readiness for UA students
Supplmental Programs
Short sentence explaining supplemental programs.
Grades K-6 Programs & Workshops
Lower School Programs
100% of UA graduates are accepted into college. This achievement is due to, not just the quality of UA’s education, but also programs provided by UA Foundation beginning in lower school.
To learn more about UA Foundation’s K12 programs and opportunities, explore our UAF Brochure.
Grades 7-12 Programs & Workshops
Middle & Upper School Programs
Summer programs, like study abroad and camp, are opportunities for students to have extraordinary experiences. These programs are offered to prepare students for college through experiential learning with peers from diverse backgrounds.

Middle School Summer Camp
Camp UA adventures await! Each summer UA Foundation provides scholarships for University Academy Middle School students to attend 2 and 4 week long summer camps.

Upper School Study Abroad Program
University Academy Foundation provides scholarships to University Academy Sophomores and Juniors who participate in summer travel experiences through our exceptional program partners.

Upper School Summer Campus Experiences
UA Foundation offers scholarships to UA students to attend a vetted summer college campus program anywhere in the U.S. These experiences provide the opportunity for participants to build confidence, enhance knowledge, experience college classes and campuses, and increase college acceptances and scholarship opportunities.

The year of the first Middle School summer camp scholarship
The number of students awarded camp scholarships to date
The number of camp sessions UAF Scholarships have funded
The year the first study abroad student graduated & the first UA graduating class
The number of students that have been awarded study abroad scholarships
The average cost of one study abroad scholarship
Community Service
UA Foundation has many opportunities for community members to volunteer their time and talents. Get involved with special events, working directly with alumni and students, one-off volunteer opportunities, and more.
College Planning
UA alumni earn bachelor’s degrees at a rate that is considerably higher than students from a similar demographic. This success stems not just from classroom instruction but additional programs and opportunities that UA Foundation makes possible for students at UA.
Scholarship Programs
UAF provides a variety of scholarships for middle school and high school students that focus on preparing students for college or affording college after leaving UA.

Bright Futures
UAF Grants to UA
University Academy Foundation provides grants to University Academy to augment programs and services for K-12 students.