The Alumni BBQ is a new event that the UA Alumni Council is hosts each year. The summer is a great time to catch alumni that are back in town from college or in town visiting family. The BBQ is a fun-filled event for UA alumni.
University Academy doing something new theme each year for Homecoming! There is a parade, tailgating, a DJ, food trucks, and all around good vibes.
Summer Bridge is an event hosted by UA Foundation to help with the reduction of summer melt among UA’s new graduates. Summer melt is when college-intending students fail to enroll in the fall after high school graduation.
Each year, University Academy Foundation hosts College Send Off to celebrate the recent UA graduates going off to college. There is music, food, photo opportunities, college swag, and college transition information. This event is usually hosted during the first week of August.
The UA Alumni Council hosts the Alumni Awards Banquet every year. It is so fun to honor some of our amazing alumni and enjoy each other’s company. All the award winners are nominated by alumni, and the Alumni Council plans the event with UA Foundation.
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