Khalil Sears – Class of 2014
Current Occupation: Apprentice Electrician
Certification Program: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 124
Expected Completion Date: 2026
Who or what at UA had the greatest impact on where you are today? Why?
David Rucker and Mr. Ukaoma. They taught me some great lessons about failure and how to not let it get you discouraged because those are stepping stones to your success.
How is your experience at UA impacting you now?
I met a lot of great people at UA who I still keep in touch with today. My girlfriend and my best friends are just a few. They continue to keep me going everyday to reach my success.
What are your goals for the future and who/what has shaped them?
My goals are to have my own electrical company. My girlfriend and my mother have helped me shape my goals.
What are you doing to stay connected to UA and your fellow alums?
I connect with UA Alums all of the time. Whether it be a nice night out on the town or just chilling with my friends.